Friday 4 September 2015

Listers Gotta List - Days 26 to 31

Hello. I have been steadily working my way through The Listers Gotta List Challenge. Don't know what I'm on about? Well, visit my Listers blog page here for all the info' (and for all my other August lists).

Most of what I have listed is self explanatory but let me tell you why 'wonky eyes' make an appearance! When I was a child I had a lazy eye. I had two operations and thankfully it was fixed. My husband tells me that one day the elastic band that's behind my eye will break and my eye will spin round and be wonky! He's such a darling!


Donna Mosley said...

Love it Liz, hope the elastic band holds out lol!

Donna x

Sarah said...

Thanks for sharing this Liz, it made me smile xx

Sue B said...

Wow! these pages look fab Liz... this looks so much fun to do!
Hope you have a good weekend!
big hugs, Sue B xx