Thursday 15 August 2019

Nature Journal - part 7

Hello. Succulents seem to be all the rage right now so when I came across an article all about them in one of my 'fancy' magazines I knew where the graphics would end up - in my nature journal!

I started off by skooshing some Impasto paint down the side of papers that came in this month's Sweet Treat Box. When that was dry I stamped some succulents and added some washi. The alphabet stickers and paper flowers were also in this months box.

My previous blog posts about this journal are here -

Nature Journal - part 1
Nature Journal - part 2
Nature Journal - part 3
Nature Journal - part 4
Nature Journal - part 5
Nature Journal - part 6

I have a brand new copy of the latest (issue 4) Stamps By Chloe Box Set to give away to one lucky blog follower. The giveaway closes on Sunday, leave a comment on this blog post to enter!

My nature journal keeps my 111 Places journal company in this Travellers Notebook cover....

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