Tuesday 1 October 2013

Papertake Weekly Challenge - design team card

It's time for another Papertake Weekly Chllenge.
And this week it's

Anything Goes
(optional extra  - make a Halloween treat box)

There is a £10 gift voucher up for grabs from our fabulous sponsor...

Lili of the Valley
For my card I used a brand new image from
The DigiStamp Boutique.

 These cute penguins are on special offer at the mo', so go grab yourself a bargain! I coloured with copic pens and the paper is a little snippet by Doodlebug.
For all the details on how to enter, for some gorgeous inspiration from my teamies and to find out who is last weeks lucky winner visit the Papertake Weekly Challenge.


  1. Awww Totally adorable! I love the colours and fabulous layout
    Sue xx

  2. Another stunner today Liz - fabulous design.
    Debs xx

  3. So cute Liz and love the CAS design. Hugs, Claire x

  4. Gorgeous card Debs :-) such a cute penguin and I love the kraft and sequins ,,, fabulous design :-)

    Lols x x x

  5. Lovely stunning card, have a great week cheers Sue N x

  6. Gorgeous card Liz, love the sweet image and pretty design. Bought these lil' cuties yesterday. :o)

    The die you asked about is CR1248 Stitch Circle, Flower & Leaf Marianne Design Craftables Die Set

    Donna x

  7. ok I love this card I am a huge fan of the Kraft card stock and you have a penguin on it that makes it perfect!!!!!

  8. Super cute design Liz.

    Hugs Diane

  9. Hi Liz

    A great card.

    Love the kraft background and the twinkly embellishments alongside your cut image.

    Hope you are having a good week.

    Love Jules xx


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