Monday 30 September 2013

Monday's News

Hello. Well, I'm still packing boxes for my Mum's house move. Although she isn't a hoarder, forty years of 'stuff' is a lot to pack! But we're getting there. In the meantime I have given in and bought a Gelli Plate and a brayer. I will hopefully find time to have a play soon (does anyone have any quick tips for a beginner).

The latest edition of Papercraft Essentials is on the shelves and I have an article all about silhouettes. The magazine is a great crafty read so why not treat yourself.

I'll be back tomorrow to share my DT card for the Papertake Weekly Challenge, see you then!


  1. ooh you do sound busy! I hope your Mum's move goes well. I have Gelli Plate but haven't used it much yet. I would say though, it comes sandwiched between two pieces of plastic, only take the top one off then it keeps the other side nice and clean and protects your work surface too. xx

  2. I'm coming really close to getting one myself!


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