Tuesday 30 July 2013

Papertake Weekly Challenge

Hello. It's time to share this weeks DT card for 
Papertake Weekly.
And this week we have a sketch challenge...
 ..you can use this one or pick out another from the huge choice here. Just let us know the number of the sketch you used in your blog post.

This week we are sponsored by Simon Says Stamp, a $20 voucher for one lucky winner!

For my card I used one of the new Festive Bobbi images from The DigiStamp Boutique. I used Prismacolor pencils to colour and the die is 'star flourish' from Memory Box

For all the details on how to enter, for some gorgeous inspiration from my teamies and to find out who is last weeks lucky winner visit the  Papertake Weekly Challenge.
See you there!



  1. Wonderful Card. The image is so sweet and your colouring is brilliant. The colour combinations are fabulous and the layout is great.


  2. Oh what a sweetie and thanks for getting back to me, re the bow die too, Luv Sam x

  3. What an adorable card! I so love your creations (I have been known to subscribe to a magazine or 2 because you contribute lolz!!)

    You commented on a card I made with Tim Holtz rosettes on it and said you find them a bit tricky - I find the trick is to fold and glue the rosette, then add glue to my punched circle, before pushing the rosette down until it 'pops' and then jam the glued circle on it to hold it together. That will be the underside, so it doesn't matter if the circle is off-centre. Then, once the glue 'grabs' it's easier to turn the rosette over and add another circle more carefully to the 'posh' side.

    Does that make sense? I hope so!!

    love Mags B x

  4. Just as cute as can be!

  5. Gorgeous card Liz :-) the image is very cute and I LOVE the starry die ! definitely NEED to get me one of those :-)

    Lols x x x

  6. Lovely card Liz great image and colours
    jacqui x

  7. How cute is this? Love the layout and those lovely dies. Have a good day. Hugs, Claire x

  8. Awwwwwww I LOVE Bobbi bear! Your colouring is wonderful and the papers are gorgeous too.
    Sue xx

  9. Oh that is ADORABLE! xxx

  10. Hi Liz, I'm back. I just wanted to let you know how I love how you have taken a layered sketch and turned it into this fabulous CAS card. Love the image, too. I think it's from the set that is on offer right now, so I'd better get is asap.
    Thanks for your visit to my blog and your sweet comment.

  11. Just fab as always Liz. Great layout and amazing colouring!

  12. I have just seen another fab Christmas memory box die on another blog so now I need to buy 2!! good job it is pay day soon. Love your cute bear and beautiful colouring as usual. hugs Mrs a.

  13. What a cutie Liz - fabulous take on the sketch and loving that die.
    Enjoy your evening.
    Debs xx

  14. What a lovely card! S
    weet image and colours. Nice talking to you last week. If you go ahead with your plans , call me to volunteer!


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