Wednesday 27 January 2010

Decopatch Bear

Continuing with my 'try something new' theme here is my first go at Decopatch. It's really fun, easy and very quick to do. This is how 'Patch' started out in life....

I hadn't seen decopatch before I came across the shop Damselfly Crafts when we were out and about in Glasgows West End last week. I couldn't resist having a go. I even have enough paper and glue left to cover a couple of tea light holders.

The soap making stuff I ordered hasn't arrived yet and I am hoping it hasn't gotten lost in the post (DH is badly in need of a wash).

I am entering Patch into the Cute Daisy May challenge which this week is...Vintage.


  1. Patch is adorable--I love the colors and papers! He would make a wonderful gift. Reminds me of a similar craft project I did years ago. It was layering squares of calico fabric on plaster figures--a cat and a rabbit. What a great project you've made!

  2. Hi Liz,

    This is really spectacular, never seen anything like it before and never even heard of the technique either.

    Hugs Ali x

  3. Oh wow i looove it
    Thankyou for coming out to play with cute daisy may this week

  4. She is so beautiful! I guess it's a SHE with all that flowers on her dress ;-)
    Congratulations for a first time decopatcher! keep the good work!

  5. wow, this is beautiful, thanks for joining us at CDM

  6. WOW Liz, this is utterly amazing, how wonderful, must have a trip to Glasgow's west end...hope you will let us see the tealights too....thank you so much for joining us at CDM this week. Hugs Avril xxxx

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  8. This is so stunning Liz, it looks beautiful - such a fantastic idea!
    Love, Georgia xx

  9. great job, Liz!
    the papers you have used are fantastic!

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  12. Never seen anything like this before, really looks lovely and vintage. Thanks for sharing with us at CDM this week.

  13. Wow Patch looks great I have never seen this before and am really impressed. Thank you for joining in with my Vintage challenge on CDM this week, with such a lovely and original project.

    Beccy x

  14. Gorgeous....fab to do something so that was fun...xx


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