Sunday 23 June 2019

Best Wishes

Hello. Today I'm sharing my regular make for Colourific. I have used the Moderne Flowers stamp set and stamped the image slightly off the die cut squares. As I used my Copic markers to colour I stamped with a Memento ink pad. The die cut squares have rounded corners so obviously I had to use my corner rounder punch on the card base to make it match!

I would love if you popped over to the Colourific blog and followed, there's loads of great inspiration from all the team over there.


  1. Love the modern design of this card, fantastic! xxx

  2. Great card! I like the clean lines and little bits of colour.

  3. A gorgeous card, love the design
    Lorraine x

  4. Super card, Liz. The modern design is lovely and I love how you've rounded the bottom corners to match the square. xx

  5. A lovely card and a beautiful design - perfect for summer.
    Kath x

  6. love this design,simple but very striking.xx


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