Friday, 1 March 2019

memory keeping - part 1

Hello. Yesterday I mentioned that I have started my long term project of documenting my older photographs. I'm sure everyone must have packets like this which have mainly pictures from your holidays but also pics of the dog, garden, grannie etc - 'to use up the spool'. So my plan is to use the Simple Stories Sn@p binders and inserts. These have worked well for me in recent years.

I have started with two holidays we had in 1995. One was a cottage holiday in the Cotswolds and the other a long weekend on the Island of Arran. I am not going to use all the pictures I have, simply pick the best ones and do two or three pages for each holiday. That way it doesn't feel overwhelming and like a chore. I aim to do maybe two or three sets of pictures every month. 

I still have a large box of really old black and white pictures which have been passed down to me. And I was going to make a start on sorting them out but decided to do these more recent ones instead. Really, I suppose, because I haven't yet decided for sure what to do with the old ones. My problem is, I don't know who some of the people are, but it doesn't seem right to just throw them out. I think I need to think about it a while longer.

1 comment:

  1. Good on you Liz for making a start on what always is a daunting task I think.I have never got into Scrapbooking so y photos are stored in photo storage boxes...great space saver but never looked at! I hope you enjoy re-living your memories. xx


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