Thursday, 15 March 2018

the dust of everyday life

Hello. Following on from my March Hare post I have had another play in my passport TN. The pages above feature Wonky Tonk Girls by Tracy Easson. The pages below are a mix of Eclectica (EKD02) from PaperArtsy and Houses in a Row from Basement Studio.

On both pages I used my watercolours and a sprinkle of Brushos. The Daniel Smith watercolours and the passport notebooks are all in stock at Paper, Pen and Plan. Quote LIZ10 for 10% off!

Both my Prima Travellers Notebooks are starting to look pretty chunky. This makes me happy!


  1. Lovely pages. I just started with journaling. Love it.

  2. Love them all.

  3. Lovely, lovely work, Liz! Jo x

  4. Love it all but especially what you did with the houses. Xx That mini passport size is adorable.


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