Saturday 31 March 2018

happy birthday....with love

Hello. This little guy has a spring in his step! He's a Penny Black woodmounted stamp called 'frolic'. I stamped onto watercolour card using a Versafine ink pad and coloured with Derwent Inktense pencils. The sentiments are from a clear stamp set by DigiStamp Boutique (they have just recently added some clear stamp sets to their digi range - super cute). A little heart button and some pearls add the finishing touch. Be back tomorrow with next weeks planner pages and, of course, the winner of my magazine giveaway!


  1. Super cute card! Love that adorable kitty and the cute background paper! I have a small set of the Derwent Inktense pencils and haven't even tried them yet! Have to remember to get them out.... love the coloring on your card!

  2. A lovely card - such a cute image and beautiful colouring too.
    Kath x

  3. Smashing card, thanks for sharing x

  4. Beautiful card Liz, love that paper its so pretty and the cute kitty. Fab colouring :)
    Hugs Kaz xx

  5. Gorgeous card, love this sweet image x


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