Friday 8 April 2016

sunshine and happy days

Hello. Sunshine? Not so much! Happy Days? Yes! I won last week's Unity Challenge with this card. A prize bundle of Unity stamps is on it's way to me as I write. In the meantime I have had another play with my March Unity stamp kit. I love these stylised flowers. I coloured with Copics and the background has been cut using My Favourite Things Blueprints 27 dies.

And, as if I don't have enough hobbies, I have started Geocaching. I found my first cache this morning and can't wait to do more. It will get us out and about exploring different places with the pooch! Does anyone cache?


  1. Hi Liz,Congratulations on your win.Love this card,the colour combo is lovely.Oh yes,I'v heard of this Geocaching,saw it on telly some years ago,looks great fun.Happy Weekend,raining here hee hee.Hugs and a Huge Cuddle for Boyd.xx

  2. Fabulous card. Love the design and the colours you've chosen. xx

  3. Gongratulations on your win. The bright bleu and yellow works well on your card. Must admit i had never hear of Geocaching so went and looked it up.
    Weather has turned cold here and snow is even forecast. Time to stop indoors methinks. hugs Mrs A.

  4. You mean there are some Unity stamps you don't already won??? Only joking, Liz, well done you! This is a great card and I love the gorgeous colour combo, Jo x

  5. Yay for your win - it really was a stunning card. Love the colours you've chosen for this one and the patterned paper. As for geocaching, I know what it is but never tried it. Sounds good fun and I know you can get stamps printed of your own design for it. Maybe that has drawn you in?? :D xx

  6. A gorgeous card Liz, love the flowers and pretty colour scheme.
    Congratulations on your win
    Have a lovely weekend
    Lorraine x

  7. Congratulations on your fab win! Your card is wonderful! Love the flowers and your colour combo is so cool! xxx


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