Monday 19 January 2015

On the shelves...

Hello. Just popping on to let you know that the latest edition of Papercraft Essentials is on the shelves now. My article this month is all about monochrome. 
So you know the score. Wherever you are, whatever supermarket or newsagent you are in - move them to the front! (but don't forget to buy one, it's a great crafty read and choc full of inspiration).



  1. I work in Asda Liz. I will pull them all to the front of the shelves tomorrow!!!
    Have a lovely week.
    Hugs Sharon, x

  2. Hi Liz,I will certainly look tomorrow,we get quite a good variety in our little newsagents.I am just about to cast on stitches for Boyd's blanki.Have a good week,keep warm and safe.Hugs xx Cuddle for Boyd.xx

  3. I am on the lookout for a copy :-)


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