Sunday 4 January 2015

love you

Hello. Well the tree is down and the house is back to normal. And here I am back to the routine of my Sunday DigiStamp Boutique card.I have used Valentine Bobbi available here

There's 25% off all valentine and love images in the Boutique at the mo'. So perfect timing for that next big date in the cardmaking world - valentines!



  1. Totally adorable image and totally fabulous colouring. I love the papers and layout too.
    Sue xx

  2. He is sooo cute! A gorgeous card.
    Lorraine x

  3. What an adorable card. Karen x

  4. What a cute card, such lovely colours x

  5. Super cute Liz, I really love your design on this one, lovely!
    hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  6. such a cute card, love the image, Gail x


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