Monday 20 January 2014

Monday's News

Hello. I am trying to get back to my blogging routine! I've not had the usual amount of crafting and blogging time since the start of my Mum's house move. Well, the final piece of work was completed on Friday - a complete re-furb' of the bathroom. And I must say, I am a wee bit jealous, it's gorgeous! 

Anyhoo, my crafty news. Well, I have become completely addicted to the Blueprints die sets by My Favourite Things. Hardly a card goes by without at least one of the dies being used. The pic' above is my latest two sets. Great service from Tracy at Dies to Die For.

I have re-organised my die collection. Spotted this magnetic tape in my local craft shop. It's sticky on one side, onto a white board and voila! I use them much more now that they are not squirrelled away in boxes.

The latest issue of Get Stamping magazine is on the shelves. I have an article using some cute Stampin' Up! stamp sets....
And just beside that on the shelves is the current issue of Papercraft Essentials...

I have seven cards in the pull out and keep section using Elvis the Hedgehog from The DigiStamp Boutique....

 See you tomorrow for The Papertake Weekly Challenge.


  1. What a great way to store dies! Looking forwards to getting my mitts on those magazines and seeing your articles. Glad all the moving stuff is done and I bet your mum is feeling happy and settled.

    Pam x

  2. A great way to store dies and see what you have. Hugs, Claire x

  3. Love how you are storing your dies. If I ever get a craft room, I'm going to do something like that. I'm jealous of your mother's new bathroom too LOL - mine is in desperate need. And I just want to mention that it's so cool that you are published in those magazines!

  4. Wow! I've been gone for awhile! You have an article and cards published! So impressed, Buttons!

  5. Like your die storage. I have self adhesive magnetic sheets on the wall. With the die in sight they do get more use as you say. Great cards as usual Liz! Deirdrex

  6. What a great way to store your dies! I haven't come up with a perfect solution yet: it worked pretty well when I just had the Spellbinder circle, square etc. types of dies as they fitted perfectly into a zip-up CD folder - but now of course, dies come in all shapes and sizes so that doesn't work anymore.

    Congrats on having so many cards in the magazine - WOW!! I'll keep an eye out for it at my local newsagent - of course, we are several months behind in Australia with UK mags which is quite frustrating!

    Jocelyn x

  7. Fabulous! Haven't bought at mag for ages, will have to take a look in whsmith tomorrow! I love that magnet tape - fabulous idea!! mo x


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