Tuesday 6 August 2013

Papertake Weekly Design Team Card

Hello, it's time for another Papertake Weekly Challenge
And this week it's...
Anything Goes
optional extra - a bit of vintage!
We are sponsored this week by the fabulous 

For my card I used a Lili of the Valley sentiment stamp and a little Penny Black mouse stamp from a transparent set 'eat cake'.
 For all the details on how to enter, for some gorgeous inspiration from my teamies and to find out who is last weeks lucky winner visit the Papertake Weekly Challenge
See you there!



  1. Gorgeous card Liz - love the design.
    Have a fab evening
    Debs xx

  2. Great design, I love those big sentiment stamps :o) Hugs, Lisa x

  3. This is gorgeous Liz. I love the sentiment and adorable image
    Sue xx

  4. FAbulous design, Liz - love how the sentiment is centre-stage with the cute little mouse accent!! Great articles too in the mags, love them!! Hugs, Juliexx


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