Friday 28 June 2013

happy moments

I would have more than happy moments if I was this skinny! Anyhoo, here is my first creation with one of my new Mixed Media Dolls. I paper pieced her dress and added some shading with a prismacolour pencil. The rest of the image was coloured with Copic markers. The papers are by Basic Grey.

I am entering the challenge over at My Mums Craft Shop - dies, dies, dies.



  1. Simply stunning!
    I would have some 'very' happy moments if I had that figure too :o)
    Debs xx

  2. A beautiful tag Liz - love the colours, so fresh. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Claire x

  3. This is one wonderful tag - I love the colors and the design you have created. Really pretty tag!!

  4. love the tag as well as the image, your colouring is spot on..but the facelessness kind of scares love your work as always

  5. This is stunning Liz, such a beautiful image and I love the colours.
    Sue xx

  6. wow beautiful tag, lovely colors and details..and she is so cute

  7. Love what you've done with this image!! HugsJuls

  8. A totally gorgeous tag, love it!
    Helen x

  9. Nice use of the stamp and great colors.

  10. Gorgeous tag Liz, love the image and beautiful design.

    Donna x

  11. Oh Wow! she's gorgeous Liz!!! you have coloured her so beautifully and she looks fab on the tag! I love the scrummy papers and flowers… the colours are very pretty!
    I kinda wish I'd got one of these Dolls now!! ;-)
    I don't think I've EVER been that skinny though LOL
    Hope you have a good week!
    Big hugs
    Sue xx


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