Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Simply Cards and Papercraft

I have an article all about watercolouring with Derwent Inktense pencils in the current issue of Simply Cards and Papercraft. And one of my cards made it onto the front cover, I'm so chuffed! So if you are after a great crafty read it's on the shelves now.



  1. congratulations Liz, must check it out.

  2. awesome job and congrats about the cover!!!

  3. Well done Liz! This is one I'll be buying!

  4. Already got the mag Liz . . . your article is terrific. I'm only said that I've got Coloursoft pencils not Inktense!

    Congrats on being on the cover and everything. xxx

  5. Fab article Liz, well done on being a cover star hugs n kisses, you deserve it

  6. Fab article, well done will u still talk to the hoi polloi now u are a cover star? Hugs n kisses


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