Saturday 9 March 2013

Pamper yourself

I have two cards to share today. Both using new images from the DigiStamp Boutique. The card above features Alyssa and I have coloured with copics and prismacolour pencils. 

The image below comes pre-coloured and I have kept it nice and simple. Don't you think this would be a great little set to craft with the kiddies and keep them amused and busy during the school break?

Don't forget that if you make a card using any of the Boutiques images you can enter the customer competition to win some freebies. All the details are here.



  1. Beautiful cards, hope you having lovely weekend cheers Sue N x

  2. Such gorgeous cards Liz. Fabulous sketches, and I love the stamps!

  3. Such wonderful images and I love the colours and fabulous layouts.
    Sue xx

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Try again . Butter fingers. Posted before I had finished. Both these are fun images and look good on your cards. The second as you say ideal for a child's project to complete. Hugs mrs a.

  6. Two lovely cards Liz and so completely different
    jacqui x

  7. BOTH gorgeous. I particularly like the first one xxx

  8. Two gorgeous cards Liz! Love how you've used the chick image.

  9. Ooh these are gorgeous Liz… love the colour combos… the images are really sweet… love the papers and bubbles on the first one… and the pretty flowers and ribbon on the 2nd… fab sentiments too! :-)
    hope you are having a lovely Sunday!
    Big hugs
    Sue xx

  10. Oooh....a stunning Alyssa creation - the colours/papers are fab. And a great chick creation - I'd best pop him on! Thank you xx


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