Monday 11 March 2013

Happy Birthday

This is the second of my new Wild Rose Studio stamps. She is called 'Annabelle with Bunting'. I stamped straight onto my card base and coloured with watercolour pencils. Just enough water to spread the colour as the card base is not really meant for watercolours, but you can get away with it if you are careful! The bunting came with a magazine free gift a while back and the sentiment is from a Hero Arts set.

I am entering two challenges...
Cute Card Thursday...spring fever


  1. I love this card - it's so bright and cheerful, plus the extra bunting stamp matches perfectly too.

    Sharon x

  2. Thanks so much for posting your card on our facebook page,'s always lovely to see what customers make with the orders that we send out! I love the colours you've chosen for this card, so fresh and hip! Janet xx

  3. This gorgeous Liz. I love the cute image and beautiful flowers. The bunting looks fabulous too.
    Sue xx

  4. Fabulous Liz, love the brilliant design!
    Helen x

  5. Fabulous bright and cheerful love the colour combo and I am no pink fan but this is stunning, Thanks for sharing with us this time at Allsorts, hugs Samantha :0)

  6. Lovely! I love the image and your coloring is wonderful!

  7. Your card is so pretty Liz and full of Springtime and just perfect for our theme this week.

    Thanks so much for sharing your lovely work with us at Allsorts this week.

    B x

    I have a celebration with lots of prizes and it would be wonderful if you have time to create something to join in, you can check it out here

  8. This is gorgeous Liz, love the image, fab bunting and flowers and lovely colours. Hugs, Claire x

  9. This is a stunning card Liz. Love the colours.
    Hugs Debbie x

  10. Oh Wow! this is gorgeous Liz! what a wonderful stamp and you've coloured it to perfection! Love the pretty rolled roses and the fab bunting! :-)
    Hope you are having a good week!
    Big Hugs
    Sue xx

  11. Thanks for playing along with our challenge at allsorts this week. Tracy x


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