Sunday, 18 March 2012

My video career begins....

I've been itching to do a video tutorial for ages but my lazy hubby wouldn't get the video camera out and claimed we needed to buy special editing software first. Anyway I finally persuaded him that we could shoot this using the ipad 2 and here are the results. Not bad I think and only took a "few takes". I am interested to get any feedback you might have and any ideas for other future video tutorials.

(Hubby now claims we need an ipad 3 so he
can "shoot me in High Def "- not happening)

So, here is a link to the tutorial - Beginners Guide to Prisma Pencils.

There is also a permanent link on my sidebar with, hopefully, more videos to be added! And, finally here is the finished card from the video.


  1. Woohoo good for you other half has been trying to get me to do a video for might have inspired ne :)
    It might be a good idea to say which colours you are using...just a thought but I think it's great.
    Hugs Sally xxx

  2. Love the video, especially seeing you use the Prisma pencils- well done!

    Pam x

  3. Hi Liz. Thank you for your fab tutorial, I may start to use mine now, as I havnt been confident with them.
    Well done also on making your video.
    Love Sandra xxx

  4. Well done on your video debut, will watch it later! Love your gorgeous card!
    Helen x

  5. Gorgeous card Liz, love the image and pretty border. Off to watch the tut now.

    Donna x

  6. What a great video Liz, I have always wondered how to use paper stumps and solution and I do wonder what the difference is between prisma pencils and watercolour pencils? do you know? Isn't it funny how you build up a picture of someone in your head - I didn't have you pictured with such a strong accent hehehe I guess because I check your blog regularly it feels like you live down the road and should have an Aussie drawl hehe x joy

  7. Hi Liz,Congratulations on your video,it's perfect.Beautiful card as always too.Huggles xx Cuddles for Boyd xx

  8. Great video liz...I'm tempted with the prismas as the shading looks so lifelike. Love your finished card, so pretty and cheery :0)
    Is that a sponge that you just store in a jar soaked with the blending solution or did you buy it like that??
    Jenny x

  9. Great video Liz, thanks for sharing xx

  10. Ooh, now I did wonder what KIND of video career, lol! ;o)

    Great tutorial Liz and I certainly know the basics now as I really didn't know where to start with Prismas. Look forward to more of these. A few close -ups would be good for those of us that are as blind as bats!!

    Gorgeous finished project too.

  11. Hi Liz

    A brilliant first video .. .. well done!!

    Looking forward to more in the future.

    Loving your finished creation too!

    Love Jules xx

  12. Just watched your video - a star in the making - Dame Judi look out!



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