Friday 20 January 2012

Wake Your Dreams

I'm back as promised with my latest card. This time I have gone for a steampunky type of look. I have used Alice, a digi image from Wonderland Stamps. I coloured with a mix of copics and promarkers.

The papers are BoBunny and all the clocks have been cut from a sheet of the BoBunny paper. There is a Tim Holtz die cut clock in there somewhere too! The sentiment is an Andy Skinner clear stamp and I embossed with copper powder. Two little key brads are the perfect fininshing touch.

See you bright and early tomorrow for Penny Black Saturday.


  1. This is fab! Love the embossed sentiment :-) Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  2. Absolutly superb card, such detail, Mary x

  3. Hi Liz. This is lovely. Great colours and lots of detail.
    Love Sandra xx

  4. Simply gorgeous Liz, great different style love it! Jo xxx

  5. Fab card Liz. Love this look but have no idea where to start! xx

  6. Your card is gorgeous Liz, love the background!

  7. Lovely card! Love this style, those clocks are great. Hope you have a great weekend! Hugs, Hanneke

  8. Oh WOW, i love this.If i attempted something like this it would look such a mess hee hee.xx


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