Saturday 3 December 2011

warm wishes

Good morning Penny Black fans.
I hope the last four weeks of Christmas challenges helped you on your way. I think I am pretty well organised this year, a first for me!

This week's challenge is...

Total Whiteout
(although you can follow some of the DT's lead and colour your little critters, if you choose).

We have two cool prizes..

...a lace bundle from the Ribbon Girl.

....and this PB stamp from Penny Black Inc.

We know it's a busy time of the year but hope you can find time to have a little break from your Christmas preparations and join in the fun.

All the details of how to enter, last weeks winner and some gorgeous inspiration from the team can be found here at the Penny Black Saturday Challenge.

See you there!


  1. Hello Liz. This is another of your gorgeous creations. So beautiful and very delicate with the white background. Love it.
    Happy crafting.
    Love Sandra xxx

  2. Great card Liz. I love the embossing and those cute fluffy snowflakes :o)

    Sharon x

  3. Another adorable card Liz, Jo x

  4. This is gorgeous Liz, I love those snowflakes

  5. This is such an adorable card Liz! I love your fabulous colouring of the sweet image and the embossed background looks fab! :) Love, Georgia xx

  6. A stunning card Liz, love the sweet image and very pretty snowflakes.

    Donna x

  7. Hi Liz, another gorgeous creation that I wish I'd made ... sigh!

  8. Awww! Such a cute image! And I love the snowflakes and the fab embossing :-) Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  9. This is so, so cute. I love PB and what you did with this one is outstanding. I love the snowflakes and the embossing too.

  10. Awww what a sweetie, love the stamp and the gorgeous embossing xx

  11. Gorgeous card, really lovely. Mary G x

  12. Another gorgeous card, Liz!! Love the simplicity of the background and all the little details.
    Hope you had a lovely weekend.
    Love Emma xx

  13. Oh wow how cute is this!!! Love the little hedgies on the the embossed bkgd, great fussy cutting :)
    Jenny x

  14. Fabulous card Liz. Love the "white out" with the HH's popped up.


  15. Another gorgeous card Liz - love the snowflakes and the embossing.
    Have a fab day.
    Hope the weather not too bad for you.
    Take care
    Debs xx

  16. Oh what a really lovely card, so cute!

  17. Lovely card Liz, the snowflakes are gorgeous! Lisa x

  18. Wow, what a stunning card Liz! Cute images and love those snowflakes. Hugs, Hanneke

  19. Oh I simply adore your Christmas card. xxx


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