Monday 21 November 2011

may all your wishes come true

I have nearly recovered from the little gathering we had last night for my Mum's birthday. Well, you try keeping up with a 79 year old who's up for a party!

Tonight's card is for the sketch challenge over on The Sugar Bowl. I have used the Sugar Nellie stamp 'Hazel' and coloured with copics/promarkers. The papers are Echo Park.


  1. Such a sweet card! Sounds like you and your mom had a lot of fun :) Hugs, Hanneke

  2. This is really rather lovely! xxx

  3. Gorgeous Liz, such a sweetie!
    Helen x

  4. Liz, great card, love the bright papers you've used. Thanks for taking part in the Sugar Bowl challenge and good luck.
    Happy crafting,


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