Wednesday 29 June 2011

you are so...sweet

Yesterday I reached for my crafty tweezers, not there! Nowhere to be found. Not even in the bin, which is where I find most things that go missing!

Today I opened the crafty cupboard. Disaster, obviously one too many Penny Black stamps on the middle shelf and it could hold on no longer!

Tomorrow, who knows? As long as nothing happens to my Big Shot...or my pens...or my papers...

Anyhoo, tonights card. The other day I made my design team card for next weeks Penny Black challenge. And I have to say I was so pleased with how it turned out I have made this one very much along the same lines. The stamp is Sugar Sweet Dreams by Penny Black and the papers were a freebie with a magazine.

I am entering my card into this weeks Cupcake Challenge 'cooking up a storm'.


  1. wauw i just love it!!!!!!
    xx petra

  2. Really gorgeous card Liz. You do cute perfectly hun. :o)

    Donna x

  3. ohhh Liz, this is sooo beautiful and you colored the sweet house mouse image perfectly! looove it!
    btw: hope you'll find your tweezers .. maybe tomorrow :-)))
    {hugs} Sylvia

  4. Great card and a great way to use up scraps too. Hope the tweezers turn up soon. Hugs, Claire x

  5. Utterly scrummy hun...!

    have a lovely evening...hugs Vicky xx

  6. This is sooo sweet, love it!
    Helen x

  7. How adorable Liz! I love this!!

  8. I have been known to put the kettle in the fridge. Are your tweezers there? Yours, obviously not mine!! ;)
    I absolutely LOVE this card, what a super layout and love what you've done with the image. Tis luuuurverly. xxx
    Ooh and thanks for playing at Cupcake. xxx

  9. Liz, this is lovely! Love the images and love your card! Judy x

  10. Oh this is fab! Yip the Ritz is still there and still looks the same too roflol. Its actually up for sale at the moment if you fancy a career change lol. Looking forward to seeing Sew Sweet samples for you too squeal!! Exciting times :D

    Ali x

  11. This is a brilliant card Liz! I love the great layout. Such a cute image too!
    Hugs, Clare x

  12. OOH! I love this . . . and what a great way to use up snippets too! Thanks for the inspiration.

    Hugs, Sandra

  13. Nope this card is so sweet :P
    Great design Liz, the squares of DP are a fab idea and i love the image - adorable
    love tasha xx

  14. Gorgeous card! Fab little mice and I love those squares of paper :-) Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  15. What a sweet card. Love the little mouse.
    Hugs Laila

  16. Love it to bits hun.

    Hugs Ali x

  17. Liz this card is ADORABLE! I love how you stamped and then paper pieced it too :)

  18. What an ingenious card... I love the layout of the papers and the sweet image, just perfect! Good luck with finding your tweezers! Thanks for joining us at Cupcake, Shelly x

  19. Wow! This is so original Liz! Brilliant! xx

  20. Hi Liz, what a gorgeous card. I love the cute image and papers you've used. Thanks for joining us at cupcake craft challenge. Hugs, Denise x

  21. Totally adorable! I love the papers and design.

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