Saturday 5 February 2011

love is....

and the big reveal.....

Good Morning Penny Black fans!
Wow! Did you enjoy Pauline's sketch? You betcha! Fabulous number of entries. Pop over to the Penny Black Challenge blog and find out if you are the lucky winner.

And this weeks challenge.....

Love is.....

We have two gorgeous prizes.

This from the Ribbon Girl.

And this super cute stamp from Penny Black.

We have a very talented guest designer with us for February. Helen from Helen's Craft Haven is joining us. So there is plenty of inspiration to see this week over on the PB challenge blog. I'll be back in a bit with this month's Crafty Calendar Challenge. Phew, two posts in one day, think I'll need to go for a lie down!

My card also fits the challenge at love love.


  1. Gorgeous card Liz ... those cute hedgies with balloons are adorable! I'm with you ... two |DT psots in one day today so I too will be going for a lie down lol! Have a great weekend
    Pauline x

  2. Gorgeous card, love the image and the lush ribbon sets it off a treat. Hugs, Claire x

  3. That mahoosive bow is lush! What a fabby touch. And your colouring is gorgeous. xxx

  4. Gorgeous card Liz,love these hedgies. Joey x

  5. gorgeous card,. love the hedgehogs on the front and inside. So cute.

    Louise x

  6. So sweet! The colours and dp are fab, great ribbon too
    love tasha xx

  7. Gorgeous card Liz - I love the colourful hearts paper!
    Thanks for the lovely welcome! :0)
    Helen x

  8. Beautiful card Liz, love these hedgies.

    Kat xx

  9. Beautiful card - love the image and the way you've coloured those balloons :-) Fab sentiment. Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  10. Ooh, I love it! Fab image and the sentiment is so sweet! I love the big bow too!

    Love Beth xx

  11. gorgeous card as always liz....enjoy the rest of your weekend...big hugs kath xxx

  12. Simply gorgeous - love the lush bow!
    Thanks for playing along with my Love challenge at Allsorts this week.
    Good luck
    Debs xx

  13. Hi Liz, A fantastic card, love the sentiment
    Thanks for joining our challenge at ALLSORTS this week, Good Luck
    Hugz Fleur xXx


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