Monday 24 January 2011

happy day

Have you noticed my current fad? No, not the friendly flags again! Yep, it's stamping directly onto my card. This time I used my Hero Arts 'happy definition' for the background. To get a white space I used a square post it note over the middle of the stamp. Worked a treat.

I stamped 'hedge delivery' by Penny Black in the space and coloured with water colour pencils.

I then stamped out three Hero Arts buttons, coloured with copics and cut them out (really to cover the corner where the post it note didn't quite do the trick).
I added a stamped sentiment and doodled round the hedgie and the edge of the card.

I am entering this card into the current Delightful Challenges....Celebration.


  1. Wow what a fab design - great idea and I love the cute hedgie :o) Lisa x

  2. this is so cool Liz, i love that you have stamped straight to the card!
    love tasha xx

  3. This is fab! Love the background :-) I'm just not brave enough to stamp directly onto the card! Your doodling is fab too! Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  4. This is fab! Love the background :-) I'm just not brave enough to stamp directly onto the card! Your doodling is fab too! Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  5. Fabulous card Liz, love how you stamped Hedgie in the middle.

  6. Hello Liz. Such a gorgeous card, great image and love the coloured buttons. Your background is fantastic though, and really brings it all together perfectly. Happy crafting.
    With love, Sandra xx

  7. Fab design and very clever stamping Liz. xxx

  8. This is so cool Liz, I love the design :o)


  9. What a fabby idea - am loving what you have done with the image, Luv Sam x

  10. Love the design of this one! Great background stamp!

  11. Looks great's a fab technique...Do you have a Stampin Up Stamp-A-Ma-Jig for lining up your stamp or do you use clear stamps?...I love my Stamp-A-Ma-Jig for lining up perfectly everytime!!!...x

  12. Hey if Faye doesn't get this card, I want it next! It took my breath away. Love it!


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