Tuesday 14 December 2010

my big button

No card to share but I just thought you would love to see what I found whilst Christmas shopping in Glasgow at the weekend. The biggest button you ever did see and I had to have it!

It is far too spectacular to be hidden away on my keys so I have attached it to my bag. So if you are out and about in the Glasgow/South Lanarkshire area and you spot my button please say hello!

Whilst I am here I have to tell you, 'cos I know you would want to know, that the DigiStamp Boutique has all Christmas images reduced by 20%.
So pop over and bag a bargain!


  1. Fab button, would say hello if I lived anywhere near you....x

  2. Oh I want one of those it's a stunner. Will keep my eyes peeled for you not that I'm down your way often. Love the colour.

  3. love your big button. will have to have a look.


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