Friday 5 March 2010

Whale of a Time

Thank Crunchie it's Friday! And it's also the first Friday of the month so that means it's time for another Crafty Calendar Challenge. This month's theme is Flower Power with the added option of pastel colours. Easy peasy, right? So pop over and join us to be in with a chance of winning a fabby prize from our sponsor Simon Says Stamp.

For my DT card I have used a PinkPetticoat image coloured with copics.


  1. Hiya Liz. This is such a lovely card. Love the colours and the papers with those classy borders. It really highlights that cute image.
    Happy Crafting.
    Love Sandra xx

  2. so gorgeous!! great image and I love the sentiment!! gorgeous card! Hugs Juls

  3. Super funky card. The image is adorable and i lve the mix of papers
    love tasha xx

  4. Hi Liz

    What a cute whale love the flower design. Great stitching too.

    Hugs Ali x


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