Wednesday, 31 March 2010

A Quick Update

Hello everyone, a quick update on what's going on....

My Mum has been in hospital since Monday for tests with a view to an op' so I have been on visit duty. Obviously this means I have practically no time to hop round the blogs. I will catch up soon, all being well.

Sally-Ann at the DigiStamp Boutique is releasing new images tomorrow, 1st April, and take it from me they are as cute as cute can be!

I received an award from Sandra, thanks for thinking of me. It is now proudly displayed on my side bar. I have already posted interesting facts about me but will try to come up with something new to share soon.

The countdown continues. When I got home from the hospital last night I was at 98. So welcome and a big hello to my new followers.


  1. Hi Liz
    Sorry to hear the news about your mum - hope all goes and good health returns as soon as possible.
    I am looking forward to seeing Sally-Ann's new releases - it's exciting lol!!
    Take care
    Debs xx

  2. cannot wait either, get well soon Maw!!!!

  3. Hope everthing goes well for your mum Liz.

  4. Hi Liz

    Just read about your Mum, hope all is going OK. Take care hun.

    Hugs Ali x

    PS You did it 100 followers well done.


Due to an ever increasing amount of spam and as I have no need for prescription drugs, boob surgery or sexy men (not when I have one of my own) I have, alas, had to switch on comment moderation.