Tuesday 11 August 2009

Charmed, I'm Sure

Q. Who was the most powerful cat in China?
A. Chairman Miaow!

Beth has given us a great sketch to follow over on Penny Black Saturday. If you haven't already checked out Beths blog you should go now, you are sure to be inspired.

This also fits the charm challenge on Stamp Something.

I stamped the Penny Black image 'cat bath' on to water colour paper and coloured with inktense water colour pencils and a water brush. The paper is 'flower patch' by makingmemories.


  1. Hi Liz

    Gorgeous as ever, I love the charm too.

    Ali x

  2. Wow, such beautiful cards! Just love your great combinations of elements (embossing, papers, embellishments & images) Really fantastic designs.
    Thanks for visiting my new blog :)
    - Crafts by Bee

  3. fabulous card Liz....love the pretty paper mix and your gorgeous image...beautifully coloured...thanks for joining in the fun this week at PBSC...hugs kath xxxx

  4. Great card, the image is gorgeous and beautifully coloured. (enjoyed the joke too)
    Thanks so much for playing along with the Stamp Something challenge this week.
    Jenni x

  5. Love that kitty! This card is adorable! Thanks for playing at Stamp Something!

    Janna :)

  6. Another gorgeous card Liz. Kitty is so cute and coloured beautifully. I love all the detail on this card and the matching sentiment.
    Have a lovely day.
    Clare x

  7. Hi Liz, it's me again. I have something on my blog for you.
    Clare x

  8. Awww, thanks for the write up Liz - your fiver is in the post! ; )
    Your card is gorgeous, I love this image and the papers are so yummy! Thanks for playing along with my PB sketch this week!

    Beth xx


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