Wednesday, 2 July 2008

An Award Has Come My Way

I received the award from Tassie. I am so chuffed. It is just to the right over there.
The rules for this award:
1. The winner can put the logo on her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate al least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs you've nominated.

I would love to pass this award on but I have been to every blog known to man and you have all beat me to it. I will keep it in mind and when I come across a blog in need of an award I will pass it on.

Ha! Just found one on the Crafts Beautiful forum. So I nominate.....drum roll.........
sassylm of pink and fluffy designs.
And another deserving of this award is.............


  1. Well done on your award. About time.Dont tell me I have to be jealous of you too?

  2. Thanks for the award Li!
    Sorry i have only just worked out what to do with it!
    Will have to look around and see who else to award it too!


Due to an ever increasing amount of spam and as I have no need for prescription drugs, boob surgery or sexy men (not when I have one of my own) I have, alas, had to switch on comment moderation.